Poached Eggs in advance. (make as many as you need). Directions. Cook biscuits, as per instructions; set aside.…
Poached Eggs. Ingredients. 1 egg. 1 1/2 tablespoon White vinegar. Directions.…
And don’t forget. to take the pressure off you for having to make perfect poached eggs at the last minute, you can always make ’em…
Homemade Waffles, Grilled Sausage, Fried and Poached Eggs…
Poached eggs. Blender Hollandaise. Copped curly parsley, for garnish. Directions. Make fries and put in a bowl. Add some bacon.…
Poached Eggs in Advance. Ingredients. eggs (however many you need. ). 2 tablespoons white vinegar. 2 cups ice. Directions.…
Poached Eggs. , see recipe. 1/4 cup finely chopped dill, plus a little extra for serving. Directions.…
Shiitake Spinach Egg Thing. And by thing I mean stupidly delicious. Don’t ask - just make it. Serves 2.…
Makes 1 - I love traditional Eggs Benedict, but this made such a hit in our house it’ll now be a regular breakfast item.…
Butter Poached Steak…
Fresh ground black pepper. 3 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil. 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese. 4 thin slices Prosciutto. 2 eggs. 2 tablespoons…
Butter Poached Shrimp. I have a lot of friends who LOVE shrimp, but feel like they often overcook them.…
Ingredients. 4 eggs, poached. 2 English muffins, split & toasted. 1/2 cup crab meat - crab with a ’c’, not a ’k’. 1 avocado, ripe and…
Salt & pepper. 12 frozen breakfast sausages. 4 frozen Belgium waffles. 4 eggs, poached. Directions.…
Don't want to poach eggs? Then fried ones will still be super delicious. Here's the point - just make it. Serves 2.…
butter. 1/4 cup milk. 1/2 cup shredded cheese (I like Monterey Jack, but use whatever you like or have). 6 ounces pork sausage. 2 eggs…
Milk Poached Fried Chicken.…
Tomato Sauce Poached Halibut. Stupidly simple (like me) and so delicious. Ingredients. 2 cups.…
Quick Polenta with Spinach & Mushrooms & Fried Egg.…
Eggs - poached, fried whatever for the top. Directions. Cook tots according to package directions.…
12 ounces beer, something preferably not dark - unless that’s all you have in which case it’s perfect. 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter. 2 eggs…
Spinach & Prosciutto with Crispy Egg. White vinegar. Eggs. Flour. Panko crumbs. Oil. Spinach. Prosciutto, thinly sliced.…
Serves 1 - I love traditional the traditional eggs benedict, but sometimes you just want more. And this. is more.…
Ingredients. 2 eggs. 1 English muffin, toasted. 4 ounces thinly sliced pastrami. 1/2 cup brown gravy, no need to make it - you can…
Armadillo Eggs…
Taquito Eggs. Serevs 1. Ingredients. 2 frozen taquitos. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 eggs.…
Scrambled Eggs…
Mexican Eggs. Tortilla chips (cooked with eggs) make everything better. Makes 1 serving.…
Pizza Eggs. . in your mind. Pizza Eggs. Serves 2-3 - Forget about eating cold pizza. Pizza Eggs RULE!…
Eggs poached, fried, scrambled – again, up to you. Directions.…
Perfect Eggs…
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper. 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1 garlic clove, crushed. 6oz fresh spinach. pinch garlic powder. 2 eggs…
Shrimp & Egg Salad Sandwich.…
Poached egg. Olive oil. Directions. Cook fries according to package directions – but get ’em crispy.…
Hard Boiled Eggs. . in your mind. Hard Boiled Eggs. Makes as many as you want - Does this really need a description?…
Steak & Eggs Breakfast…
Chinese Beef & Eggs. The first time I made this, I almost fell over it's so good.…
Vietnamese Steak & Eggs. I love breakfast, I love steak & eggs, and I. really. love this Vietnamese version.…
Eggs Benedict Burger…
Slow Scrambled Eggs.…
Chilaquiles Steak & Eggs. Ingredients.…
Black Truffle Eggs…
Crab Deviled Eggs…
Hash Brown Scotch Eggs. Makes 2 scotch eggs.…
Lox, Eggs and Onions. Serves 1 - OK - so maybe this is more in my ethnic camp than yours - but it’s a Jewish classic.…
Crispy Rice Pancake & Eggs. Sometimes you gotta go with what you’ve got - and when it turns out, it’s wonderful.…
Quarantine Munchies 4: Eggs…
Scrambled Eggs with Shrimp…
Deviled Eggs - 9 Ways.…
Herbed Slow Scrambled Eggs. Ingredients. 1 tablespoon butter. 2 eggs.…
Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs.…
Tamale Hash Baked Eggs.…
Spicy Baked Scotch Eggs. Makes 6 - This is a baked (and still delicious) version of the normally deep-fried pub treat.…
Cheap Steak & Eggs Breakfast…
Rib Eye Steak and Eggs.…
Eggs Benedict with Pulled Pork…
Conbini Egg Salad Sando. . in your mind. Conbini Egg Salad Sando.…
Garden Dill Slow Scrambled Eggs.…
Lox Eggs & Onions Matzo Brei. This mashup is found in most Jewish deli’s, but tastes all the better when made at home.…