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I don’t have a video for this recipe.
If I had a photo, I would most certainly use it. That is... unless the photo I have sucks. For now, you'll just have to picture a big heaping helping of
Lobster Hollandaise Poutine
...in your mind.
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Lobster Hollandaise Poutine
3 cups onion tots
Two 6 ounce lobster tails, out of their shells
8 ounces cremini mushrooms, thinly sliced
Neutral oil (just means unflavored: as in no extra virgin, no sesame etc)
12 ounces beer, something preferably not dark - unless that’s all you have in which case it’s perfect
1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
2 eggs, poached,
how-to video here
Hollandaise sauce,
see recipe
Parsley & green onion for garnish
Cook tots according to package directions - but you want them crispy, so if the timer goes off and they’re not - put em back in
Cook mushrooms in a non-stick pan with a tablespoon of oil, until they begin to soften - about 5 minutes, then turn off the heat but leave in the pan
Melt butter in a small pot and add beer - allow to heat through and come to almost a simmer
Put shelled lobster tails in the beer/butter and cook until just done - 2 to 3 minutes - remove and slice into bite-sized pieces
While they cook, put the heat back on the mushrooms and add a couple tablespoons of the beer/butter - mix well
Then plate - and by plate I mean bowl: tots, mushrooms, lobster, poached egg, Hollandaise and garnish